The abstract contents of these images seem to be a reflection of the neurologically untypical mind trying to grasp an unfamiliar reality and failing.
In the making of them I have felt I found a way to be myself, to escape the pressure of the normal world, and that probably the images themselves seem odd in the same ways that I am odd; they are awkward and hard to understand, they are off to one side in an isolated corner, outsiders; though, they are just what they are and nothing more, and because of being abstractions they consistently surprise me when I make them. I find solace in working out how to make them and the retreat into the solitude of this. Even finding words to explain them is hard, just as words to describe my own autistic relationship to the typical world are extremely hard to find. Thus, if the images seem hard to grasp, then this for me, is what it is like to live in a neurologically typical world when one is not neurologically typical. Living in this world is like always finding oneself in front of a disorientating abstract image. |