Two collaborative MFTH exhibitions took place in London to celebrate Refugee Week 2022, featuring artwork from groups Sophie had been working with for many months. Scroll right down to see photos from both exhibitions plus workshops and some of the pieces of artwork featured.
The first exhibition was a collaboration with Initiatives of Change UK's Refugees as Rebuilders, at 24 Greencoat Place, Westminster (very short videos here and here) . The second, at the Horniman Museum (recently announced as the Art Fund Museum of the Year 2022), was part of Lewisham Refugee Week Festival, in collaboration with a variety of wonderful organisations including We Are Lewisham, London Borough of Sanctuary, Create Without Borders, Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network, and many more.
Since Refugee week 2022 we have continued to collaborate with local organisaitons and Hope in the Heart has continued to be enriched by the involvement of local refugees and asylum seekers who bring a wealth of insight, talent, skills and empathy to our workshops and events, and have begun to co-produce and co-facilitate some of our services. A high percentage of the pieces featured in our major exhibtion in Brixton in April 2023, and at subsequent smaller events (including a conference at the Royal College of Psychiatrists), plus moving musical contributions at our performance events have been contributed by local asylum seekers and refugees and we are grateful for their generosity in sharing their stories and creating art based on their lived experience. CURRENT WORKSHOPS We hope you will join our free ongoing workshops in central Brixton, and at Battersea Arts Centre from September 2023. Free Refreshments and art materials at both.
Dates, address and other information here (booking essential)